Please be sure to provide accurate contact information (both email and phone number) in case we have any questions about your order. If we are unable to reach you, your order may be placed on hold. If you are unable to be reached within 7 business days, your order may be cancelled.

Marker Supply makes every effort to get your order shipped the same day it is placed, however once the package is out of our warehouse, it is dependent on the shipping carrier. If you have any questions about lost or delayed packages, please contact us at 615-770-2777 or via email.

Orders placed before noon Central Time usually ship same business day. If you need rush shipping please call us to confirm we can accommodate.

Orders placed over the weekend, on certain holidays, or after these times will ship the next business day unless otherwise notified.

Please note when selecting "Next Day Air" or "2nd Day Air" shipping: Saturday is not counted as a delivery day. (i.e. an order placed on Friday with Next Day Air shipping will not be delivered until Monday.) If you need to arrange a Saturday delivery, please contact us and also note that there will be an additional charge.

*Flat Rate Shipping Details*
-A $6.99 Flat Shipping rate can be applied to orders that total at least $25 before tax

-Only applies to domestic orders shipped within the contiguous United States
-Standard shipping only, offer does not apply to expedited methods
-Elmers Foam Board is not eligible for flat rate shipping
-You will see the option for Flat Rate Shipping at checkout if you qualify

*Holiday Shipping Special*
-U.S. orders that total at least $75 before tax can be eligible for FREE standard shipping thru December 31st!

-Only applies to domestic orders shipped within the contiguous United States
-Standard shipping only, offer does not apply to expedited methods
-Elmers Foam Board is not eligible for free shipping

Holiday shipping deadlines: 
Shipping carriers recommend your packages be shipped by the following dates for delivery by December 25th:

USPS International: Dec. 6
USPS First Class Mail: Dec. 16
USPS Priority Mail: Dec. 18
UPS Ground: Varies by location. Use the shipping calculator on ups.com/ctc.
UPS 2nd Day Air: Dec. 20
UPS Next Day Air: Dec. 21

*Local Pickup Option*
If you are interested in picking up your order for free at our Marker Supply retail store (located at 113 Graylynn Dr., Nashville, TN 37214):

-Leave a note in the comments section of your order letting us know when you'd like to pick it up. Pickup hours are Mon-Fri 10am-4pm or Sat 11am-3pm.
-Orders must be placed before noon to pick up same day.
-Shipping charges will be removed when we process your order.
-Make sure to include your phone number in your order details so we can contact you if there are any issues with your order.
-When you arrive, come on in the store and let us know you are here for a pickup order. You can also give our office a call at 615-770-2777 to let us know you are here and we will bring your order out to you!

Hazardous Material:
-Some products are classified as HAZMAT- Hazardous Materials Other Regulated Materials (ORM-D) & may have certain shipping restrictions
- HAZMAT Products have been tagged on our website as:
- Depending on the type and quantity of HAZMAT markers in your order, some shipping methods may be unavailable

International Shipping:
Marker Supply ships orders all over the world! If you have any questions about whether we can ship to your location or not, please email us at shipping@markersupply.com.
- Some countries and shipping methods have restrictions on sending HAZMAT items (i.e. oil-based markers, etc.). If you don't see your country on the list of available ship-to locations, try selecting another shipping method or contact us.
- Available shipping services depend on weight of package & contents
- First Class International Mail may take up to 28 business days to arrive. Priority Mail International can take up to 15 business days.
- Rejected packages will be refunded for the cost of goods but not shipping costs
- Claims for lost packages can only be filed after 45 days from ship date

*Please note: You may be required to pay additional fees such as customs fees, taxes, & tariffs upon arrival.
These fees vary by country. We do not have control over these fees and we cannot mark packages as a "gift" to avoid them.

*If your order is shipping to Canada:
Canada Customs requires Canadian recipients to pay applicable duties and taxes on each shipment entering Canada. These charges may include PST, GST, HST, duties and other taxes of goods (e.g. excise tax). A brokerage fee is also charged to process shipments and present the requisite customs paperwork to Canada Customs on the importer’s behalf. If you choose UPS, your order will be shipped under UPS’s e-Tailer Brokerage Program (eBP), where eligible shipments imported into Canada for non-commercial purposes and valued under CAD$ 200 shipped via UPS Standard service are subject to a reduced brokerage fee of CAD$ 10, plus any applicable duties and taxes. Shipments valued at CAD$200 and above and/or being imported to Canada for commercial purposes and/or subject to specialized clearance may incur additional fees. Please, be aware that UPS will request payment of these charges at the time of delivery. You have the ability to call UPS ahead of time (1-800-742-5877) to pay these charges, eliminating the need for payment on delivery.

Additional Information
- No handling fees – All shipping costs are equal to the daily pickup rates
- All shipping costs are dependent on weight of package & location
- We ship from Nashville, TN

If you have any questions or issues with selecting a shipping method please contact us at sales@markersupply.com

Office Hours: M - F 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M Central Time

Please call us if you have any questions. 615-770-2777.